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5 Tips to Prevent the Spread of Illnesses

Interior Health is asking the public visiting our health facilities to please do their part to keep loved ones safe from infectious illnesses this winter.

At this time of year, it is not unusual for health care facilities to experience outbreaks. Both gastrointestinal illness (GI) and respiratory infections (RI) are highly contagious and common in the community during the winter months.

GI and RI are generally caused by viruses. These viruses can easily spread person to person through contaminated hands and in droplets containing germs when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Children and individuals over 65 years of age are particularly vulnerable.

While there is no single way to protect against GI and RI, a combination of practices will provide the best protection possible.

Thank you for helping to protect yourself and those around you.

See your community pharmacist, physician, public health unit, or www.immunizebc.ca for more information about receiving a flu shot.

Interior Health is committed to promoting healthy lifestyles and providing a wide range of quality health-care services to more than 740,000 people living across B.C.’s vast interior. For more information, visit www.interiorhealth.ca, follow us on Twitter – @Interior_Health or like us on Facebook.