I Want To

Are you concerned about wildfires?- Survey

Help your community become better prepared by taking a short survey about the FireSmart program and wildfire risk in Clearwater, Blackpool, Birch Island, Vavenby and the Clearwater Valley Road corridor.

Background Info:
The District of Clearwater is currently updating their Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). The Area of Interest (AOI) for this CWPP includes the municipal boundary and the surrounding communities of Blackpool, Birch Island, and Vavenby, and the Clearwater Valley Road corridor. This AOI is designed to capture shared wildfire risks and mitigation strategies in this relatively continuous area of urban development. The CWPP is intended to provide the communities in the AOI with a clear picture of the wildfire risk they face, and approaches and tools that can be used to reduce the threat to values of all types from wildfires. The project is collaborative and includes representatives from multiple organizations including the District of Clearwater, Thompson Nicola Regional District, BC Wildfire Service, Wells Gray Community Forest, Simpcw First Resources Group, BC Parks, the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, and Forsite Consultants. Support for the project is also provided by the Clearwater, Vavenby, and Blackpool Fire Departments, the Upper Clearwater Fire Brigade, and BC Hydro.  The project is funded by the Province of British Columbia and the Wells Gray Community Forest.

Project questions:
All enquiries can be directed to Leslie Groulx, CAO for the District of Clearwater (lgroulx@docbc.ca) and Alex Pogue, Wildfire Management Specialist at Forsite Consultants (apogue@forsite.ca).

This survey:
The survey has 14 questions and is expected to take between 5 – 10 minutes. Your responses will be used to better customize the CWPP process to the needs of each community.

Thank you in advance for your responses!
Sincerely, The Project Team

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