2021-09-09 Effective at noon on Friday, September 10, 2021, campfires will be permitted within the District of Clearwater. Please use extreme caution when lighting a campfire:
- Never burn in strong wind conditions.
- The fire pit must be at least 5 metres from adjacent property lines, buildings, trees, shrubs, debris or other combustible material, not exceed 0.5 metres by 0.5 metres and must be contained within the fire pit.
- Only untreated lumber, dry and seasoned firewood may be used for fuel. Leaves, grass, hay, garden or woodland debris or other compostable waste must not be burned in a campfire.
- The campfire must always be attended, continuously supervised and controlled by a competent person equipped with extinguishing materials and equipment.
- The person attending must ensure the campfire does not present a hazard or nuisance to other people and is extinguished if conditions become unsafe for the fire to continue; and is completely extinguished before leaving the site.
- If the fire spreads beyond the pit or otherwise becomes out of control, the person attending must immediately carry out fire control and extinguish the fire and report the fire as soon as possible to the Fire Department, the RCMP, or a fire emergency response centre, and comply with any directions given by the responder.
Before lighting a fire, please also check for current fire bans, ventilation index and current danger rating. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with Fire Department Bylaw No. 233.
While campfires will be allowed, Category 2 (Residential/ Garden Refuse) and Category 3 (Commercial) open fires remain prohibited. For more information, click here.