I Want To

CAO Management Plan available online

The CAO Management Plan is a document that outlines an implementation plan for the District of Clearwater Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) which includes links to Council’s vision and strategic priorities, to departmental budgets, departmental work plans and how the District will meet its legislative requirements.

It also helps to illustrate the level of effort, resources and leadership needed to deliver the programs and services offered by the District of Clearwater.  Every year, difficult decisions must be made to allocate resources to projects, programs or services.  The ultimate goal for the CAO is to be cognizant of the long-term financial sustainability of the community while maintaining the quality of life for all of our residents when leading the District through the decision-making processes.

The CAO’s Management Plan builds on Council’s strategic priorities and goals through measured capital infrastructure re-investment, focusing on delivering core and community services through service excellence, and fiscal prudence while maintaining a healthy and safe community.

View the complete plan here or contact our office for a paper copy.