I Want To

Celebrating Local Government Awareness Week

We are celebrating Local Government Awareness Week from May 17-23, 2021. This annual initiative is aimed at building public awareness of local government roles and encouraging participation in local government processes. Visit our website or Facebook page daily to learn a bit more about your local government and how we conduct business.

“How can citizen’s participate in local government?”

Stay informed by reading the local newspaper, the Community Newsletter delivered to your mailbox, visit the District’s website at www.districtofclearwater.com or following our Facebook page.

Council Meeting documents such as agendas and minutes are posted to the website and Highlights are available online. Council meeting videos are can be watched on YouTube. Participate by providing your feedback in one our surveys or by visiting one of our regular Open Houses and Public Consultations (pre COVID in person, now via ZOOM).

If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to call our office or send us a quick email. We are happy to hear from you!