I Want To

Community Survey Results are in…

The results are in….

We are excited about the great participation, in total 364 citizens completed the survey. What did we learn?

People are moving to Clearwater for its rural character and lifestyle as well as affordable living & housing. Residents are enjoying the lifestyle, the backcountry and outdoors and affordable living/housing that Clearwater has to offer.

What are the challenges facing the community? Responses indicate that employment/career opportunities followed by availability of rental housing could be seen as an issue and for the town to grow in a sustainable manner might be challenging. Therefor participants feel that Council should focus on economic development. Road Infrastructure and housing, land & zoning and the development of a commercial tax incentives for business growth in the next 4 years should also be addressed. Type of housing needed include rentals; senior living facilities and single family detached. Capital Improvements to focus on? Road Improvements made the top of the list followed by Dutch Lake Enhancements.

What kind of businesses should ideally be attracted to the area? Manufacturing (wood, furniture, etc.) came in first followed by telework (professional firms who can work from anywhere), healthcare related businesses, education & training and commercial retail.

The results of the survey are going to provide Council with good information for the budget and strategic planning process. For a detailed report please follow the link: Breakdown of survey responses to February 13, 2019.