Council highlights provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings. Complete agenda packages and meeting minutes can be found here.
• Council supported the recommendation by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to resume the properties (portions of Clearwater Valley Road No. 1214) included in the correspondence package for the purpose of establishing the properties under the ownership of the Province as part of the Provincial Arterial Highway system.
• Council approved giving consideration and approval to completing an assessment of next steps to completing the realignment of the alternative traffic pathway and parking as per Design Drawing #610 (dated November, 2019) which aligns the multi-use pathway parallel to the parking lot on the north side (lakeside) of the Old North Thompson Highway and that the repositioning and repainting of the multi-use pathway and parking lines move two-way vehicle traffic to the south side of the Old North Thompson Highway.
• Council authorized the mailout of a Notice of Intent to all property owners/occupiers within 500 metres of 290 Road 2A FSR and advertise in two editions of the local newspaper for a proposed new liquor primary licence. Council also authorized that the Liquor Licence Application be forwarded to a public hearing to gather community input.
• Council approved the construction of a Chip Storage building with funds to be allocated from the 2020 Gas Tax fund in the amount of $60,000. The building is proposed to be located at the backside of the North Thompson Sportsplex.
• Council directed Administration to submit a grant application to the UBCM Infrastructure Planning Grant Program to complete an Integrated Stormwater Management Assessment in the amount of $15,000 with $10,000 as grant funds and $5,000 funded from the 2020 Road Operations Budget.
• Council accepted the Road Maintenance Strategy report prepared by Urban Systems.
• Council accepted the Source Water Assessment and Protection Strategy: Clearwater, BC Modules 1, 2 7 and 8 prepared by Western Water Associates Ltd.
The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. and is open to the Public using physical distancing!