I Want To

Council Highlights April 20, 2021

Council highlights provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings. Complete agenda packages and meeting minutes can be found here.

• Council has designated the Boat Launch located at the end of Lakeview Drive as an area for watercraft launch only. The wharf will be repositioned, and signage will be placed prohibiting swimming and diving.
• Council has directed staff to research the requirements for designating Lakeview Road to the boat launch as an area for “local residential parking” only.
• Council approved for two dumpster bins to be delivered to the Sportsplex parking lot as part of the “Community Clean Up Day” being held on April 24 and 25, 2021.
• Council scheduled a Special Meeting of Council to be held on May 6, 2021 at 2:00 pm for the Adoption of the 2021 Tax Rate Bylaw.
• Council approved entering into a service agreement with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for an amount of $170,000 for the purposes of completing paving on a portion of Sunshine Valley Road and overlay paving on a portion of Dunn Lake Road.
• Council approved awarding a three-year contract to Fraser Valley Refrigeration for annual refrigeration plant maintenance for an amount of $9,694 annually.
• Council approved the purchase of both hardware and software upgrades for the purpose of improving the audio visual presentation of Council Meetings for an amount of up to $9,000, to be funded from COVID Restart funds.
• Council gave three readings to Bylaw No. 249, 2021, the 2021-2025 Five Year Financial Plan. The Bylaw is scheduled to come before Council for formal adoption at the Regular Council meeting on May 4, 2021. The Five Year Financial Plan is required by legislation to be adopted annually prior to May 15 for submission to the Ministry of Finance.

The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. but is not open to the Public in accordance with the Public Health Order issued on December 2, 2020 for Gatherings and Events.