Council highlights provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings. Complete agenda packages and meeting minutes can be found on our website.
•Council approved proceeding with a grant application for 100% funding under the UBCM 2019 Community Resiliency Investment Program in the amount of up to $35,000 to complete a full revision of the 2012 Community Wildfire Protection Plan and committed that the District will administer the overall management of the grant program.
•Appointment of Insurance provider for 2019 – Council approves the appointment of the Municipal Insurance Association as the District’s insurance providers for liability insurance for a maximum amount of $17,889 and the insurance provider property insurance in the maximum amount of $63,456 to be expended from the 2019 Five Year Financial Plan.
•Council approved the extension of the winter maintenance contract in accordance with Road Maintenance Specification 1-4 and Policy No. 1708 to Borrow Enterprises Ltd. for Park Drive Multi-use path including Clearwater Village Road Pathway for $4,500, and Park Drive curb, gutter sidewalk from Highway 5 Roundabout to Robson Street including Murtle Crescent (NTSP) to Helmcken Street for $11,643.75 for the 2018/19 winter season.
•Council approved the closure of the Plan24 Savings Account (Cemetery Care Fund) at the Interior Savings Credit Union and will transfer the balance to an investment account at the Royal Bank of Canada. The Cemetery Care Fund is a dedicated trust fund for the purposes of caring for the Cemetery only.
•Council completed the first three readings of Bylaw No. 197, 2018 District of Clearwater Reserve Fund Establishment. This bylaw will amalgamate 14 individual bylaws that are dedicated for the purpose of allocating funds to specific services within the municipality, this is a housekeeping item.
•Council completed first and second readings of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 199, 2018, this bylaw is a rezoning of property located at 857 & 865 Barber Road. A Public Hearing will be held in conjunction with the January 8th, 2019 Regular Council Meeting. Information on this bylaw is available at the District office.
•Council directed staff to work with the Thompson Nicola Regional District and local Internet service providers to improve strategies for regional connectivity, identify what connectivity infrastructure is available, and to apply for funding through the Connecting British Columbia grant program to complete this strategy.
The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled to be held
Tuesday, January 8th, 2019