Council highlights provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings. Complete agenda packages and meeting minutes can be found here.
• Council authorized the purchase of up to four (4) water bottle fillers including installation at the Splash Park and Rotary Sports Park from the 2020 Parks and Community Center operating budget.
• Council directed Administration to provide a thank you letter to Mrs. Fraser from the Clearwater Secondary School for organizing Family Day activities.
• Council directed Administration to reallocate funding identified for the 2020 Harvest Feast celebration to the 2020 Strawberry Flats Street Party.
• Council directed that the budget overage for the 2019 Capital expenditures be allocated within the 2019 5-Year Financial Plan as follows:
a) $15,497.48 for Well#3 be allocated from the 2019 Gas Tax fund
b) $3,796.35 for Wastewater Upgrades (Cell#1) from Sewer Reserve.
• Council approved the transfer of unspent funds of $6,762.50 from the Economic Development Age Friendly Event Coordinator line item to operating reserve at year end 2019.
• Council approved the transfer of the following funds to an operating reserve at year end for 2019, 2020 and 2021:
a) An annual maximum of $2,000 of unspent amount from the Elections Training line item.
b) An annual maximum of $2,000 of unspent amount from the Bylaw Enforcement Legal line item.
c) An annual maximum of $2,000 of unspent amount from the Roads Maintenance Railway Crossings line item.
• Council formally adopted Bylaw No. 234, 2020 Water User Fee Penalty Amendment.
The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at 2 p.m.