Council Highlights provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings. Complete agenda packages and meeting minutes can be found here.
• Council received a presentation from Sandy Mackay, MPlan, M’Akola Development Services regarding Housing Needs Assessment Report, following the presentation Council received and adopted the Housing Needs Assessment for consideration the report is available at
• Council approved funding for the equipment replacement requirements based on the District Fleet and Equipment Replacement Policy 1605 to replace the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) compressor as identified in the policy for the 2021 budget.
• Council authorized the Mayor and the CAO to execute the Amendment to the Clearwater Transit 2020/21 Annual Operating Agreement.
• Council formally adopted Bylaw No. 233, 2021, a bylaw for the continuation and regulation of the Volunteer Fire Department, this bylaw will replace Bylaw No. 125 and 225.
• Council formally adopted Bylaw No. 247, 2021, a bylaw to amend District of Clearwater Water User Fees for 2020-2021, the Bylaw recognizes the fees for staff costs to provide water for hauling and to administer fees for the Trans Mountain Camp .
• Council approved providing a letter of support for Thompson Valley Charters Ltd. (Kamloops) in their application to obtain a license to run an ebus service. Thompson Valley Charters Ltd is proposing to offer a twice per week bus service from Kamloops to the Alberta Boarder along Highway 5 route.
• Council directed Mayor Blackwell to provide a letter of support for the Simpcw Resources Limited Liability Partnership to apply for a grant to complete a feasibility study for a Waste Molecular Recycling Project, this grant opportunity is through the BC Indigenous Clean Energy Initiative.
The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. but is not open to the Public in accordance with the Public Health Order issued on December 2, 2020 for Gatherings and Events.