Council highlights provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings. Complete agenda packages and meeting minutes can be found here.
• Council approved issuing a remedial action order with respect to the property located at 428 Hydro Road due to nuisance infractions under Bylaws No. 133, 2016 and No. 56, 2010.
• Council directed Administration to proceed with a grant application under the UBCM 2020 Community Emergency Preparedness Fund – Flood Risk Assessment, Flood Mapping & Flood Mitigation Planning up to a maximum amount of $65,600 to complete Flood Hazard Mapping and Risk Assessment: Clearwater River.
• Council approved the District entering into a Third-Party Agreement with Yellowhead Community Services in the amount of $90,000 with Yellowhead Community Services to execute deliverables outlined in the Community Support Grant program for impacted forestry workers.
• Council approved funding for the replacement of firewalls for the Firehall, North Thompson Sportsplex and Public Works building and wireless access points for the Firehall, North Thompson Sportsplex, Public Works and the District Office to a maximum of $12,000.
The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 2 p.m.