I Want To

Council Highlights July 9, 2019

Council highlights provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings. Complete agenda packages and meeting minutes can be found on our here.

  • Council accepted a proposal from SFU’s Community Economic Development Assessment Team for Economic Disruption assessment as presented at the Economic Development Committee of the Whole meeting on July 9, 2019. This proposal would link into the planned Socio Economic Impact Study and update to the District’s Economic Development Plan
  • Council directed Administration to contact staff at the Rural Development Ministry to explore the opportunities to complete a feasibility study for a public market in Clearwater.
  • Council approved the renewal of the Pitney Bowes (postage meter) lease agreement for a further five (5) year term.
  • Council directed Administration to bring back a report providing further options with respect to the Grants-in-Aid Policy 2008-02.
  • Council approved the Bylaw Investigation and Enforcement Policy presented at the meeting. The policy has updated content and terminology and outlines processes taken for bylaw complaints.
  • Council approved a two (2) year renewal term for the Temporary Use Permit for the Clusko Logging Camp.
  • Council formally adopted Bylaw No. 166, 2017 a Official Community Plan Amendment for Bearview Development and Bylaw No. 167, 2017 the Zoning Amendment for the Bearview development to complete a Campus of Care Facility and Bylaw No. 211, 2019 Zoning Amendment for 10 cabins and a tea house on Haywood Road.
  • Council approved providing a letter of support to the Ministry of Education with respect to the Province providing better supports for Libraries.
  • Council approved sending a letter of acknowledgement to Ted Richardson for his many years of exemplary volunteerism in our community.

The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, August 20, 2019 at 2 p.m.