Council highlights provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings. Complete agenda packages and meeting minutes can be found here.
- Council authorized the purchase of 10 tickets to the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce “of the year” Awards Ceremony, to be used by the Youth and Citizen award nominees, at a maximum value of $500 from the Economic Development Other Expenditures Budget.
- Council directed Administration to contact the owner of the Brookfield Mall property to discuss options for an indoor/outdoor market at the Clearwater Centre location.
- Council adopted the revised Terms of Reference for the Economic Development Task Force and appointed the following members: Florence Admundson, AJ Bachal, Doug Borrow, Sam Charvet, Hugh Graffunder, Jon Kreke, Jeff Lamond, Kris Olson, Ron Rotzetter, Lorne Selbee, Hans Wadlegger, the appointed representative from Simpcw First Nations and Nikki Vincent.
- Council awarded Contract No. 2020-01 Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades (Cell#1) in the amount of $1,501,353.53 (including GST) to Bree Contracting Ltd.
- Council directed Administration to consult with Wes Bieber, R.P.F., of the proposed Woodlot Licence Plan for Woodlot 300 regarding OCP consistency and CWPP guidance and planning.
- Council directed Administration to send a thank you letter to the Honourable Adrian Dix, Minister of Health outlining the benefits realized by the community of Clearwater from the BC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program.
The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, April 7, 2020 at 2 p.m