I Want To

Council Highlights March 5, 2019

Council highlights provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings. Complete agenda packages and meeting minutes can be found on our website.

  • Council approved a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Committee of the Whole that the current watering schedule for parks be based on environment and weather conditions. This decision was made in an effort to reduce water consumption.
  • Council passed the recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Committee of the Whole to approve the framework and timeline for Administration to complete the Community Recreation Program review. The review will be conducted in the coming months with a preliminary report to be presented to Council in July 2019.
  • District of Clearwater Bylaw No. 203, 2019 for the 2019-2023 Financial Plan received first and second reading. The financial plan includes all sources of revenue and expenses that are required to undertake the services and capital expenditures included in the plan. Feedback from public consultation sessions held on February 5 and 6, 2019 were incorporated into the financial plan. The bylaw will be presented to Council for third reading on April 2, 2019.
  • District of Clearwater Bylaw No. 208, 2019 – a bylaw to amend Building Regulations Bylaw No. 129, 2014 – received first, second and third readings. The amendment will update Building Regulation Bylaw 129 with respect to the following:
    • Concordance to the current BC Building Code and definition refinement;
    • Recommendation from the Municipal Insurance Association regarding renovations/additions;
    • Addition of provisions to enable photo submissions and provisional occupancy guidelines;
    • Adding provisions for enforcement by various forms of ticketing; and
    • Fee increases (which have not taken place in 15 years).

The bylaw will be brought back to Council for consideration of formal adoption on April 2, 2019.

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