Council highlights provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings. Complete agenda packages and meeting minutes can be found here.
• The District is looking into partnering with the Thompson Nicola Regional District to provide joint maintenance on the Clearwater River Trail, this would require entering into an agreement with both Recreation and Trails BC and BC Parks. Council agreed that further discussion be undertaken to allow for a full understanding of the liability and financial ramifications of entering into a Partnership Agreement with Recreation Sites & Trails BC regarding the Clearwater River Trail.
• Council approved the Mayoral appointments to Committees of the District of Clearwater for a six-month term effective July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. The schedule’s only change is Lyle Mackenzie being appointed to the Forestry Working Group and Mayor Merlin Blackwell being appointed to the Tourism Wells Gray committee.
• Council voted in favour of sending a letter of appreciation to the Rotary Club of Clearwater for organizing the 2019 Mayday Parade.
• Council approved entering into a Fire Protection Mutual Aid Agreement with the Thompson-Nicola Regional District who operate the Vavenby and Blackpool Volunteer Fire Departments starting July 1, 2019 for a term of five (5) years expiring on the 30th day of June, 2024. These agreements have been in place since 2009.
• Council adopted the revised Asset Management Strategy dated April, 2019. Council noted that this be a topic taken to UBCM regarding downloading by the Province to municipalities.
• Council gave first, second and third reading to Bylaw No. 201, 2019 with respect to the regulation of Smoking and Vaping in municipal public spaces. Once adopted this is to be effective July 1, 2019 in all public spaces pertaining the municipality.
• Council directed Administration to investigate and provide a report on the potential of supplying naloxone kits to District staff and municipal contractors that work with and around the public for administration if required.
• Council provided a grant in aid of $500 to the Clearwater Secondary School Girls Soccer team for travel expenses to attend the 2019 Provincial soccer championship.
The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at 2 p.m.