I Want To

Council Highlights November 19, 2019

Council highlights provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings. Complete agenda packages and meeting minutes can be found here.

• Council approved a Grant in Aid of $500 to the Clearwater Fire Department for Breakfast with Santa on December 7, 2019. This is a joint initiative between the Blackpool, Clearwater and Vavenby Fire Departments.
• Council approved the 2020 District of Clearwater Council and Committee Meeting Schedule. The schedule is posted here.
• Council directed Administration to work with the staff of Interior Health Authority to resurrect the Physician Recruitment Committee and Council will consider increasing the District’s recruitment budget to $15,000 for 2020.
• Council directed Administration to research the costs to complete a refresh to the Official Community Plan and asked that Administration arrange for a presentation to Council on the current trends taking place in Community Development.
• Council voted in favour of establishing an Economic Development Task Force as a pilot for a one-year term to meet on a quarterly basis. The Task Force is to be made up of participants from economic sectors represented in Clearwater.
• Council directed Administration to provide a report to Council regarding the feasibility of establishing a micro village (tiny homes), the report is to include zoning and building requirements (due January, 2020).
• Council voted in favour of the Wells Gray Community Forest Commission approving the grant request from the Trails Task Force Committee in the amount of $30,000 for the planning and design of the connecting multi-use pathway between the Wells Gray Inn intersection and the Highway 5 Roundabout.
• Council voted in favour of the Wells Gray Community Forest Commission approving the grant request for matching funds from the Clearwater and District Road Rescue Society in the amount of $26,000 for the purchase of Jaws of Life, power plant, spreader, cutter and power ram unit equipment.
• Council approved a Grant in Aid of $412.80 from the grant in aid budget and $587.20 from the 2019 Council contingency budget for the purchase of Buy Low gift cards to support the 2019 Community Christmas Dinner at the Clearwater Legion.
• Council gave first, second and third readings to the Clearwater Sewer and Water User Fees Bylaws.
• Council formally adopted the District of Clearwater Municipal Ticket Information Bylaw and the corresponding bylaws that required amendments to fines.
• Council gave first and second reading to OCP Amendment Bylaw 230 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 231 with respect to 37E Old North Thompson Highway and Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 232 with respect to Development Permit areas. Public Hearings will be scheduled in conjunction with a Regular Council meeting.

The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at 2 p.m.