Council highlights provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings. Complete agenda packages and meeting minutes can be found here.
- Council agreed to purchase new community tents in 2022 using funds from the TMX community impact benefit agreement
- Council allocated $5,000.00 from the 2022 budget to kickstart the planning for a two week-long 2022 Winterfest event commencing the second week of February.
- Council directed staff to proceed with a proposed restructuring of the Committee Schedule. Standing Committees to be reformed into the following three meetings:
- Government Operations
- Greenspaces, Recreation, Culture and Tourism
- Community Planning, Infrastructure, Economic Development, and Housing
These Committees will meet on an as needed basis during Regular Council meetings
- Council resolved to maintain the following Select Committee within the new Committee Structure:
- Trails Task Force
- Recruitment and Retention Committee
- Select Committee on Cemetery Operations
- Community Economic Development Task Force; AND
- Council dissolved the Junior Council Charter and directed staff to work with Clearwater Secondary School on developing a new strategy for youth engagement.
- Council reappointed R.E. (Lee) Dodds as the Municipal Approving Officer for the District of Clearwater for the next calendar year
- THAT The District continue discussions and design with Hydro to have two lights installed as recommended by Hydro; one within the cul-de-sac and the other between the cul-de-sac and the intersection, receive a formal quote and budget accordingly in 2022 budget.
- THAT The District purchase 2- 15’x 20’ x 9’3” Marquee style tents with District of Clearwater logo on the long side and two (2) solid walls. Approximately $7,000.00 plus tax would be taken from the Community Impact Benefit Agreement to purchase both tents with walls and logo.
- THAT Council accept the redesigned plan for the 37 East Property and that LA West be requested to complete project designs to 100% Construction (IFC) drawings, produce an updated project budget estimate, and prepare the project for tender and construction.
- THAT Council direct staff to prepare the Water and Sewer User Fees Bylaws for two years (2022 and 2023) with a 5% increase in water fees each year and a 10% increase in sewer fees each year.
The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 2:00 p.m.