I Want To

Council Highlights November 5, 2019

Council highlights provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings. Complete agenda packages and meeting minutes can be found here.

  • Council approved the donation of $400 towards the Breakfast with Santa event with the funds to be expended from 2019 Events budget.
  • Council approved the revised drawing for the parkland located at 37E Old North Thompson Highway and staff to get cost estimates for design
  • Council approved that the surplus in the 2019 Events Budget in the amount of $409.32 be transferred and applied to games and activities associated with Winterfest 2020 celebrations.
  • Council waived Purchasing Policy No. 2009-02 and approved direct awarding the contract to complete a Road Maintenance Strategy to Urban Systems Ltd. in the amount of $30,000; and that the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer execute the appropriate documents
  • Council approved the appointment of the Municipal Insurance Association as the providers for the District of Clearwater’s liability insurance for 2020, in the maximum amount of $17,515 and the appointment of the Municipal Insurance Association as the providers for the District of Clearwater’s property insurance for 2020, in the maximum amount of $71,173 to be expended from the 2020 Five Year Financial Plan
  • Council directed staff to prepare a bylaw to establish the Sewer User Fees with an annual increase of 10% per year for a two (2) year term effective January 1, 2020 ending December 31, 2021
  • Council directed staff to prepare a bylaw to establish the Water User Fees with an annual increase of 5% per year for a two (2) year term effective January 1, 2020 ending December 31, 2021
  • Council approved the closure of the Municipal Offices on December 24, 2019 at 12:00 noon and re-opening on Monday, December 30, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. as outlined in the CAO’s report dated November 5, 2019
  • Council gave Municipal Ticket Information System Bylaw No. 221, 2019, Noise Control Amendment Bylaw No. 222, 2019, Good Neighbour Amendment Bylaw No. 223, 2019, Business Licensing Regulation Amendment Bylaw No. 224, 2019, Volunteer Fire Department Amendment Bylaw No. 225, 2019, Building Regulation Amendment Bylaw No. 226, 2019, Animal Control Amendment Bylaw No. 227, 2019, Traffic & Highway Use Amendment Bylaw No. 228, 2019 a third reading

The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 2 p.m.