Council highlights provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings. Complete agenda packages and meeting minutes can be found here.
• Council voted in favour of authorizing Mayor Blackwell to send letter(s) to the Interior Health Authority (IHA) and/or the Executive Director expressing concerns about IHA not holding a flu clinic in Clearwater this fall.
• Council approved the establishment of the Recruitment and Retention Committee, with the initial focus on Professional Healthcare and will work with the corresponding stakeholders and agencies pertinent to health care to develop a Terms of Reference for Council’s consideration and adoption.
• Council approved in principal a reduction of $500/month to the Wells Gray Curling Club Lease Agreement for the 2020/2021 season with a caveat that if the ViaSport grant funds are successful the reduction of $500/month to the lease agreement is void. This is to be reviewed at the end of the season.
• Council approved a recommendation forwarded by the Joint Services Committee that the Chip Storage Shelter be constructed this fall (2020) and that the contract for construction be awarded to OTL Construction in the amount of up to $83,900 (excluding GST). The 2020-2024 Five Year Financial Plan bylaw will be amended to include an expenditure for an additional Project amount of $44,215 to be funded by Thompson Nicola Regional District Area A Gas Tax for $13,500 and the Sportsplex Reserve of $30,715.
• Council approved the Development Permit for the property located at 497 Eden Road. The owner wishes to re-develop the site with a new service station (Canco), convenience store and pizza shop. The proposal also involves site improvements including new landscaping, curbing and asphalt paving.
• Council approved engaging Forsite Consultants Ltd. to complete the 2021 Community Resiliency Investment Program, FireSmart Community Funding & Supports application and the expenditure of up to $5,000 with funds to be allocated from 2020 Council contingency.
• Council directed staff to proceed with a grant application under the UBCM 2021 CRI Program, FireSmart Community Funding & Supports for the allocation of $150,000 to complete fuel management activities, representing 100% funding.
• Council formally adopted Permissive Tax Exemption – Affordable Housing Bylaw No. 171, Amendment Bylaw No. 242, 2020.
• Council voted in favour of providing 100% support exemption of the Development Cost Charges and to waive sewer and water connection fees for Phase 5 of the seniors housing development owned by Evergreen Acres Seniors Housing Society.
The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. and is open to the Public using physical distancing!