Council highlights provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings. Complete agenda packages and meeting minutes can be found here.
- Council directed staff to prepare a permissive tax exemption bylaw for those properties approved by Council for a three-year exemption period covering the years 2022-2024. Financial statements and budget for non-conforming applicants will be required by September 30, 2022.
- Council called for Staff to prepare a Draft Terms of Reference for the creation of a Select, 5 person Cemetery Advisory Committee to study the topic of cemetery for the District, conduct jurisdictional research, review current public policy, gather community feedback, and develop a report to Council with specific recommendations on potential public policy changes. The Draft Terms of Reference will be presented at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
- Council amended the 2021-2025 Five-Year Financial Plan to include an additional $9,000 to repair the damaged component of the District’s backhoe; staff was instructed to develop and bring forward a business case for asset replacement for the 2022 budget.
- Council resolved to initiate a review of Council Procedure Bylaw No. 131, 2014 preparing for an amendment that will allow Council to have permanent authority over whether or not to conduct Council meetings electronically; and updating other sections of the Council Procedure bylaw that have become outdated.
- Council approved a grant in aid request from Yellowhead Community Services Indigenous Early Years Program to a maximum of $500 and use of District tents for National Day of Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day with funds to be expended from the 2021 Grant in Aid budget.
- Council offered support for Agricultural Land Commission Application No. ALC-21-01 for removal of soil on the The North ½ District Lot 1723, KDYD, Except Plan KAP54894
- Council approved the use of a vacant space at Centennial Hall for the Men’s Sheds program free of charge for a trial period of one year.
- Council supported the initiative to provide free BC Transit services on September 20, 2021 as a means of encouraging voter participation in the Federal election.
The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled to be held Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 2:00 p.m.