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Council Meetings during COVID-19 times

Even though we are closed to the public, the District of Clearwater will continue to hold regularly scheduled Council meetings. At this time, Council Meetings will be livestreamed on Facebook. This ensures we are respecting Public Health Officer orders to keep physical distancing while continuing to be transparent and open to the public.

The next Regular Council meeting is to be held at 2pm on April 7th, 2020.  At this meeting the Council will review the 2020 Five Year Financial Plan and give consideration to the Bylaw that is a legislated requirement to pass in order to take the next step which is to adopt a bylaw for the annual tax rate.

In the event you wish to observe (watch) a Council meeting, the meeting agendas are posted on our website. The agenda goes live no later than 3pm on the Friday prior to a regularly scheduled Council meeting.

If you wish to submit your comments or a question in relation to the agenda, please email to admin@docbc.ca up until 10am on the day of the Council meeting. Staff will read out your submission (question) to Council. Submissions must be relevant to an item on the current agenda.  No commitments shall be made by Council in replying to a submission and please note if your submission does not meet public comment requirements, it will not be presented at the meeting.