2021-03-13 –
Counselling services are available at no cost (free) to individuals residing in the North Thompson Valley from McLure to Blue River area. Individuals are able to self refer by calling the Yellowhead Community Services (YCS) main office in Clearwater or the YCS Barriere office. Individuals can also call 310-MHSU which will automatically connect them with the closest service provider.
Covid-19 Response and Counselling Services
Due to Covid-19 and with additional funding received from The Community Action Initiative, we are able to provide flexible counselling options to meet the needs in the community, especially for those who are most vulnerable due to health concerns or are experiencing transportation challenges. While in-person services are available, we also offer individual and group virtual services through an approved telehealth platform and telephone counselling. If access to a phone, long distance plan/internet or technology is a barrier to receiving services, please call Yellowhead Community Services- Clearwater office number and ask to speak to the Manager of Counselling Services, Phil Janicki, as we may be able to assist you in this area.
Adult Mental Health Counselling
Mental Health Services are available to adults to assist those who are suffering from serious mental disorders, depression, self destructive behaviours, family conflict, stress issues and problems in daily living.
The specific services that are available include the following:
• Assessment and treatment of diagnosed mental health disorders
• Referrals to other agencies/services
• Prevention and education services to assist communities in the promotion of good mental health
• Facilitation of the establishment of self-help groups
• Encouraging healthy living by empowering the community to care for itself
Substance Use
Substance Use Counselling Services provide individual and family counselling to people who experience problems as a result of alcohol and/or drug use. Counselling is also available to adult children and family involved with someone dependent on alcohol and/or drugs.
Services addressing Adult Substance Use provide the following range of services:
• Outpatient counselling for individuals and families
• Assessments and referral to treatment and detox programs
• Facilitate public education through seminars, group training and workshops
• Facilitate the establishment of support groups
Services addressing Youth Substance Use provide the following range of services:
• Community outreach
• Family support
• Referrals
• 1:1 support including psychoeducation and counselling
Opiate Agonist Treatment Clinic (O.A.T) – Clearwater Only
The O.A.T clinic is facilitated by YCS in partnership with Dr. Marino from his clinic in Kamloops. The O.A.T clinic is held from 9am to 12pm every second Friday at the YCS main office, located at 612 Park Drive. Service is available for those in recovery from opioid misuse and participating in a methadone program. Clinic provides substance testing and connection with a doctor using a virtual platform. Access to a laptop and internet connection is provided by YCS during appointment.
PEACE Program for Children and Youth Experiencing Violence
Staff work to deliver the following services to children and youth under the age of 19 years who have been impacted by violence.
• Sensitive, respectful, professional, accountable assessment, treatment and follow-up services for child/youth victims
• Support and consultation for custodial parent(s), caregivers and siblings
• A collaborative, team approach involving the therapist, RCMP, social workers, teachers, child care workers and other co-helpers, custodial parent(s) and caregivers
Stopping the Violence Counselling
The Stopping the Violence Program (STV) provides counselling services for women who have experienced abuse and/or violence. Counselling is provided to women who are in, or have been in, an abusive relationship or who are survivors of sexual violence – either a recent assault or historical abuse.
• The program operates from a feminist perspective and provides a non-judgmental, supportive and safe environment for women to explore their experience and deal with the impact of violence and abuse
• The focus is on increasing safety and empowerment through validation, education and exploration
Relationship Counselling
Relationship counselling is available for individuals, couples and families who have been directly or indirectly impacted by the CANFOR mill closure in the community of Clearwater and surrounding areas. This is in recognition that families and relationships may be strained due to increased financial and emotional stress placed on families due to changes in employment status. This service is possible through FLNRORD funding received through a MOU with the District of Clearwater.Services addressing Youth Substance Use provide the following range of services:
YCS Clearwater – 612 Park Drive, Clearwater BC, V0E 1N1 Phone: (250) 674-2600
YCS Barriere – 4936 Barriere Town Road Barriere BC, V0E 1E0 Phone: (250) 672-9773
Work BC – 240 Park Drive, Clearwater BC, V0E 1N1 Phone: (250) 674-2928
Dutch Lake Community Centre – 209 Dutch Lake Road, Clearwater BC, V0E 1N2 Phone: (250) 674-3530
Weblinks to Mental Health Supports:
Mental health and anxiety support: www.bouncebackbc.ca or: www.anxietycanada.com
The BCCDC page: http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/about-covid-19/mental-well-being-during-covid-19
The above link will take you here: The change and uncertainty due to COVID-19 can have a big impact on our mental health. Help is available. Don’t wait to reach out. Find information below on who you can contact for mental well-being support during COVID-19.
- Mental Health Support in B.C. for Mood & Anxiety Concerns
- B.C.’s virtual mental health supports during COVID-19
- Free or low cost online mental health and substance use services, such as virtual counselling and crisis support.
- COVID-19 Mental Health Check-in is a self-assessment tool for youth and adults from the Canadian Mental Health Association B.C. Division.
- This free, anonymous self-assessment tool helps you understand how you are feeling and reflect on your mental, physical and social well-being. It helps cut through the wealth of information available online to find the resources most useful to you.
- Alcohol & Drug Information and Referral Service at 1-800-663-1441 (toll-free in B.C.) or 604-660-9382 (in the Lower Mainland) to find resources and support.
Children, youth and parents
- BC Children’s Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre: support for parents and caregivers
- Foundry BC: support services for youth and young adults
- Kids Help Phone: We’re here for you during COVID-19
Post-secondary students
- Here2Talk is a 24/7 mental-health counselling and referral service for post-secondary students.
- Students can engage in chat sessions with a trained counsellor by downloading the Here2Talk app or visiting: here2talk.ca
- They can also speak to a counsellor by phone, toll-free at 1-877-857-3397 or direct 1-604-642-5212.
Health care workers
- Review resources on our health care provider support page.
B.C. First Nations’ individuals and communities
- First Nations Health Authority: Mental Health and Cultural Supports during COVID-19
General tips for mental well-being and COVID-19
Our partners have tips to help with mental well-being during COVID-19. Check out the links below.
BC Ministry of Health
- BC Ministry of Health: Managing COVID-19 Stress, Anxiety & Depression
- BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services: Tips for supporting your mental health through the COVID-19 pandemic
HealthLink BC
Anxiety Canada
Mental Health Commission of Canada
Children, youth and parents
- Anxiety Canada: Tips for talking to kids about COVID-19
- BC Children’s Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre: Parenting During COVID-19
Foundry BC