I Want To

COVID-19 – DAILY BULLETIN: June 29, 2020

Joint statement on B.C.’s COVID-19 response, latest updates

Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, and Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.’s provincial health officer, have issued the following joint statement regarding updates on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) response in British Columbia. Read full statement here.

– June 26 to June 27: 10 new cases
– June 27 to June 28: 14 cases
– Jue 28 to June 29: two new cases
– 26 new cases since Friday, total of 2,904 cases in British Columbia
– 153 active cases, and 2,577 people who tested positive have recovered, 18 individuals are hospitalized, five in intensive care. The remaining people with COVID-19 are recovering at home in self-isolation.
– Since the start of the pandemic, there have been
* 979 cases of COVID-19 in the Vancouver Coastal Health region,
* 1,529 in the Fraser Health region,
* 131 in the Island Health region,
* 200 in the Interior Health region and
* 65 in the Northern Health region.
– no new COVID-19 related deaths, total of 174 deaths in British Columbia.
– no new health-care facility outbreaks and one new exposure event at Brandi’s Exotic Show Lounge in the Vancouver Coastal Health region.
– COVID-19 remains a high risk for everyone in our province even though the number of new cases is low. As we gradually transition into Phase 3 of BC’s Restart Plan, we must remain vigilant.
– A key part of our efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 is for all of us to support contact tracing efforts, by keeping our bubbles small and paying attention to where we go and who we are seeing. It is a team effort requiring all of us to participate.
– In this most recent community outbreak, public health teams were required to issue a public alert because they have been unable to reach all those who may be at risk.
– Here in British Columbia, we have established clear rules for safe social interactions that apply to everyone. These foundational rules allow us to increase our time with others, to restart many businesses and most importantly, to stay safe.
– We want to be absolutely clear there are no exceptions or half measures. British Columbians have flattened our curve. To be successful and weather this storm, everyone needs to do their part, whether at home, at work or travelling.
– Businesses need to understand that they are responsible for keeping their employees safe and for taking appropriate precautions to protect employees while they are at work.
– Visitors from other parts of Canada or within the province need to stay home if they are ill. Now is not the time to travel with any symptoms of COVID-19.
– One slip is all we need to cause a significant rebound, something we are working extremely hard to avoid.
– Phase 3 allows for more types of activities, but how we interact with each other does not change. We have to remember that when the virus is anywhere, the risk is everywhere, so let’s show kindness and respect to others by remaining 100% committed to our efforts.