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COVID Updates for Clearwater

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2021-11-24 – The presence of COVID in Clearwater has become a reality quite some time ago and has finally reached the schools in town as well.

With the winter upon us, it is a good time to remind yourself and your family of ways to stay safe in this pandemic and cold season.

Until COVID is behind us, we have to be diligent and stick to the rules:

Vaccine clinics are available in Clearwater on a weekly basis.

Interior Health has started to administer booster vaccines to the most vulnerable in our community. A booster dose is an additional shot of vaccine that helps you maintain and lengthen your protection against COVID-19. You will be invited once eligible depending on your age, risk group and date of your second dose.

Just recently Health Canada has approved the vaccine for children aged 5-11. Parents and guardians can register children now.

For some time now citizen require to show proof of vaccination (POV) for some events, services and businesses.

Proof of vaccination is either a downloaded digital card you have saved to your phone or a paper card for your wallet. Download your card here.

If you experience COVID symptoms such as fever, cough, tiredness, loss of taste or smell make sure to get tested.

Consider downloading COVID Alert; Canada’s free COVID-19 exposure notification app. It can alert you to possible exposures before you have symptoms.

Detailed data is posted daily on the BCCDC dashboard and COVID 19 Pandemic Updates.

Please note that Interior Health and the Province of British Columbia are the primary source of information for our region. Visit their websites for the newest information and updates.