The 2020 Quarterly utility bills for the second quarter (due May 29) and the 2019 overdue property tax notice have been mailed this week.
The Following are your options for payment on your account:
By mail: Mail a cheque or money order. Allow plenty of time for mail delivery, postmarks will NOT be considered as date of payment. In the event that you do not cheques, your financial institution is able to provide you cheques for most bank accounts, please contact your financial institution.
Drop Box: Drop your payment and remittance at our drop box. The “DropBox” is located to the left of the DLCC main entrance and is clearly labelled.
Bank (over the counter, telephone, ATM or online): Payments may also be made over the counter at most financial institution in Canada, or through telephone or internet banking. If you prefer paying via internet banking, please check with your financial institution to ensure you use the correct payee information for the District of Clearwater. Most banks have separate payee accounts for the District’s utilities and property taxes. If you have already set up your online banking with the District of Clearwater, you can also pay via the ATM.
Please feel free to contact the District at 250.674.2257 if you have any questions or email
Physical address (and location of Drop Box):
209 Dutch Lake Road
Mailing address:
PO Box 157, Clearwater BC, V0E 1N0