Dear Community Members,
It has been two years since Council reached out to the community for input into setting priorities. The last survey was completed in January 2019 and it assisted Council to set a four (4) year community strategic plan that reflected community values and a vision for local social and economic growth. Since that time our community has seen a significant downturn in the forestry and tourism economy.
As we value your input, Council is reaching out to you once again to assist in reviewing the Strategic Plan (priorities) by taking a few minutes to complete this survey. Your responses are anonymous and confidential. If there is something you wish to share or comment on that is not addressed in this survey, please complete the ADDITIONAL COMMENTS box at the end of this survey.
During this time of “in person” restrictions, this survey is a way for Council to engage the community in conversations and to hear your thoughts and point of view.
On behalf of Mayor, Council and Staff we thank you for taking the time to help us plan and steer the community through these turbulent times.