Next Public Hearing to consider proposed Bylaws 238, 239, and 240
Bylaw No. 238 2020 – Animal Control Amendment – Bees
Clearwater Bees Map
Bylaw No. 239 2020 – Zoning Amendment Bylaw – Bees
Bylaw 238 & 239 Staff Report – Beekeeping Bylaw Amendments
Bylaw No. 240 2020 – Minor OCP Amendment Bylaw
Staff Report – Minor OCP Amendments 2020 DONE
Public Hearings
A Public Hearing provides you with the opportunity to inform Council of your support or opposition on rezoning and Official Community Plan amendment applications.
- The Public Hearing Notice is advertised on the District website and notice board, and in two consecutive issues of the local newspaper.
- The Public Hearing Notice gives a brief description of the project. Detailed information is available for inspection at the District Office.
- The purpose of the Public Hearing is to give all interested persons an opportunity to voice their concerns and support or opposition to Council on any application that is the subject of the Public Hearing.
How can I voice my opinion regarding an application?
How can I voice my opinion regarding an application?
You can send correspondence & petitions to Mayor & Council by:
Mail: PO Box 157, 209 Dutch Lake Road, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N0
Fax: 250-674-2173
Any written submissions will form part of the public record and will appear on the District’s website as part of the meeting agenda. Please do not include any personal information that you do not wish to be disclosed.
On the night of the Public Hearing
- Anyone may make relevant comments
- Written submissions may be filed with the Corporate Officer prior to the close of the Public Hearing
During the Public Hearing
- The Chair will read the Public Hearing opening statement.
- The Corporate Officer will provide a synopsis of the application.
- The Chair will open the floor for comments.
- When it’s your turn to speak, please clearly state your name and address for the record.
- After speakers have been heard, the Chair will ask three times if there are any other speakers, and if there are none, the next bylaw will be addressed or the Public Hearing adjourned.
After the Public Hearing
- The bylaws that were heard at the Public Hearing are on the agenda for Council to consider third reading.
- When deliberating third reading of a bylaw, Council takes into consideration not only the information received at the Public Hearing, but also all other information provided prior to the Public Hearing, as well as the District’s policies and objectives. Note: Examples of this information include submissions from the applicant, applicant’s consultants, stakeholders’ submissions and reports from District Staff.
- Council cannot receive any submissions from anyone after the Public Hearing has
What is a Delegation?
A delegation is the term used for an individual or group who appear before Council (or an Advisory Group of Council) in order to:
- make a presentation
- enter a request for action
- bring Council or Advisory Group up to date on a project/idea/concept
- provide further information on an issue currently before Council for a decision
Council does not hear delegations regarding planning applications that have been or will be considered at a public hearing. Please see Public Hearings for more information.
How to Appear as a Delegation
- Complete the Delegation Request Form
- The Corporate Services Department will contact you to approve your request or arrange an alternate meeting date
Requests and presentation materials must be submitted to the Corporate Services Department by 3:00 pm the Tuesday before the meeting.
How to Speak to Council
- Speak clearly
- Keep your presentation brief and to the point (up to 15 minutes including Q&A)
- Council may ask questions for clarification. Address your answers to the Chair
Important Information
- Bring at least ten copies of any supporting material not submitted for inclusion in the agenda package (the District cannot provide reproduction services at the meeting)
- The name of person(s) appearing as a delegation will form part of the public record and will be published in the online agenda package
Delegation Before Council Policy
Public Information Meetings & Open Houses
Council may hold Public Information Meetings and Open Houses to present and exchange information related to a specific topics of public interest. The intent of these meetings is to deliver accurate, factual information to the public and provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions. Public Information Meetings and Open Houses are advertised in advance of the meeting date and are open to all members of the public.