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Open Burning Fires to be prohibited in Clearwater on April 16, 2020

CLEARWATER – Effective at noon (Pacific time) on Thursday, April 16, 2020, most open burning activities will be prohibited throughout the District of Clearwater to reduce the likelihood of human-caused wildfires, although campfires will still be allowed. View the Campfire Regulations for BC.

The following activities will be prohibited, and these restrictions will remain in effect until the public is otherwise notified:

* Residential open fires (1.5m x 1.5m);

* Commercial Lot Clearing open fires (up to 5m x 5m);

* the use of fireworks;

* the use of sky lanterns; and

* the use of burn barrels or burn cages of any size or description (except when used for a campfire).

These prohibitions apply to all public and private land within the District of Clearwater.

This prohibition is in line with the Provincial restrictions.