2021-10-01 Are you interested in participating in an advisory capacity regarding cemetery operations?
Council has a call out to the community for representatives to form a Select Committee on Cemetery Operations. The purpose of the new Committee will be to study the topic of cemetery operations for the district, conduct jurisdictional research, review current public policy, gather community feedback, and develop a report to Council with specific recommendations on potential public policy changes.
We are seeking four members of the public to participate on the Committee over the next year.
Where can I find out more about this? Who can apply? Anyone can apply, experience in local government functions is not necessary, and administrative support is provided by the District. If you are motivated to actively participate in your community. Apply now!
The Terms of Reference is available at the District Office or by emailing admin@docbc.ca or follow this link.
How can you participate? By submitting your Expression of Interest Attn: John Thomas, Chief Administrative Officer, marked: Select Committee on Cemetery Operations, by email admin@docbc.ca, by drop off at 209
Dutch Lake Road, or postal mail to Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0.
The District will be accepting Expression of Interest until October 28, 2021. For more information or questions please do not hesitate to contact our office at 250-674-2257.