I Want To

Project Proposals for Dutch Lake Beach area & 37E Park

2023-08-08 – A number of improvements are being proposed to residents in Clearwater for 37E Park and line painting on Old North Thompson Hwy near Dutch Lake Beach.

To view the PDF handout, click here.

During the March 7, 2023, Regular Council Meeting, District of Clearwater staff was directed to make changes to the 37E Park designs, including opportunities to phase in the design in up to three parts, a redesign of the parking to ensure accessibility and mobility, and an option for gravel versus pavement. On June 6 they were returned to Council and approved to move forward to a public review.

Click here to see the Drawing 1 concept for 37E. To see the Drawing 2 concept, click here.

Over the coming weeks, the District of Clearwater will be installing temporary road lines and delineators that will outline the proposed new design along Old North Thompson Hwy in the area of the Dutch Lake. This will highlight the changes to the parking lot area and walkway. Along with these temporary road markers will be the addition of signage on the walls of the building at the entryway of the parking lot. These posters will show the proposed design as well as various ways to get in contact with the District. These new line markers are to be installed starting July 26 and are expected to take one to two weeks to complete. During this time, we ask for your patience and cooperation while the construction crews do their work.

We encourage your feedback. These temporary road markers will be up for the remainder of the season, starting July
28. While using the facilities and parking at Dutch Lake, we ask that you take note of any successes and/or ideas as well as challenges and let us know through one of the provided methods. We want to ensure that all road users feel safe and that the use of Dutch Lake is comfortable, safe and enjoyable for everyone. When travelling along Old North Thompson Highway, we remind everyone to follow the posted speed limits and pay attention to any posted road signage and crews in the area.

Click here to see the proposed drawing for this area.

We value your feedback! The District of Clearwater is looking
for public feedback on the proposed designs shown on this and the next page. Feedback on the proposed designs can be brought to Mayor and Council in a number of ways:

  1. Delivering written feedback to the DOC office
  2. By emailing feedback@docbc.ca
  3. Filling out a comment card at Dutch Lake Beach