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Province of BC extended state of emergency to continue B.C.’s COVID-19 response

2021-02-16 Province of BC extended state of emergency to continue B.C.’s COVID-19 response

The Province of British Columbia has extended the provincial state of emergency through the end of the day on March 2, 2021, allowing health and emergency management officials to continue the Province’s COVID-19 pandemic response.

The original declaration was made on March 18, 2020, the day after Dr. Bonnie Henry, provincial health officer (PHO), declared a public health emergency.

On July 10, 2020, the COVID-19 Related Measures Act came into force, enabling provisions to continue as needed should the provincial state of emergency end.

Read more here.

For information on all recent orders and guidance, as well as general COVID-19 information for all British Columbians, visit www.gov.bc.ca/covid19.

Facts about B.C.’s state of emergency

  • Declarations of provincial states of emergency may be issued by the minister responsible under the EPA.
  • The provincial government can extend the period of a declaration made by the minister responsible for further periods of up to 14 days at a time.
  • The Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General is continually working to align Emergency Program Act (EPA) enforcement orders with those of the restrictions enacted by the PHO.