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Residential Outdoor Fires permitted as of June 19, 2020 at noon

Starting today, the Kamloops Fire Zone will permit Category 2 open burning. The District of Clearwater is also permitting residential fires as of June 19 at noon as outlined in Bylaw 125, 2014 (Clearwater Volunteer Fire Department Regulations which varies in details from Kamloops.

If you would like to light an outdoor fire within the District of Clearwater:

– You are responsible to light a fire in a safe manner and to meet all safety precautions. If your fire gets out of control and you need the Clearwater Fire Department to attend, you may be liable to a charge at a cost for such assistance.
– Permits for this type of residential burning are not required.
– Open burning is only permitted on private property. No fires are to be located on District property, public roads, or road allowances, or unpaved roads or lanes.
– Open burning to be carried out by the property owner/tenant or an agent acting on behalf of the property owner. The property owner will accept all responsibility of any liability as a result of the fire
– You may use outdoor cooking devices using propane, natural gas or charcoal for the grilling or barbequing of food.
– Small fire pits used for warmth or the preparation of food using seasoned wood fuel and described in Schedule “F” of the bylaw.
– The Fire Department may have a controlled burn for a fire training exercise.
– Burning barrels must be covered with ½” screen mesh secured over the opening of the burning barrel. Burning barrels are to be located a minimum of 10 meters from any structure, building, trees, vegetation, or other flammable object.

General safety rules apply:

  • Never burn in strong wind conditions.
  • Your fire must be extinguished before leaving the area and never left unattended.
  • Keep your fire a safe distance away from nearby branches, wood and other combustible materials.
  • Check Ventilation Index before you burn

*Further bans and restrictions can be implemented by the Fire Chief and will be posted to our website and Facebook.

Click on Notice.