I Want To

We are hearing you; responding to feedback from the Community Survey

You said: “Cost that will only skyrocket by ignoring road maintenance over the entire district, signs bent, tree branches over the roads, potholes. No bike or walking trail from our only elementary school out to Raft River, not even a shoulder on that road. Cleanup of old vehicles on private property that line the rivers and back channels which are no doubt contaminating the rivers from oil. The whole idea of a power back up source for our water system.”

Our response:  

In regards to roads: The District of Clearwater inherited 69 kms of road upon incorporation. These road were from very poor to fair condition. The province transferred to maintenance responsibility  to the District five years after incorporation (September 2013). The District completed a Road Maintenance Strategy (RMS) in spring 2020. The purpose for this RMS is to inform the District’s short, medium, and long-term capital plans for roads and help to prioritize work needed to sustain the current level of service by extending the remaining useful life of the roads. View the Strategy here.

Each budget year there is $100,000 dedicated to capital works and $50,000 to operational works outside the day to day maintenance requirements.  The Road Maintenance Strategy assessed various aspects of road conditions and maintenance requirements. The estimated costs to bring all roads up to good standards is $18mil.

District staff and our road contractor crews are out and about daily and take care of items they come across. If you notice tree branches or road signs bent, or potholes; reporting an issue we may not have come across yet would be proactive and appreciated, please take the time to call the office. When we receive a call we initiate a service request and this is directed either to our roads contractor or Public Works department. Sometimes the issue may not be a responsibility of the District but we can pass it along to who is responsible. It is worthy to note that there may be times when we are waiting for a new sign to arrive, or the weather has impeded quick action.

In regards to the walking and biking trails: The District Trails Committee has been actively working on creating safe connecting trail from Park Drive to Raft River School for the past three years. The committee has submitted for a grant (100% funding) to complete a multi-use pathway from Park Drive (hospital) to Raft River Elementary School with the hopes that the $1.3mil grant will be approved this May/June 2021, and if successful this pathway will be completed in 2021.

The Trails Task Force Committee is a group of community volunteers plus a representative from Council and the CAO under the umbrella of the District of Clearwater. The committee has obtained funding to complete 3.4 km of multi-use pathways to date. 

Unsightly Properties: The District has a Good Neighbour Bylaw No. 56 which addresses unsightly premises, and a Complaints / Investigation Policy.  The Bylaw and Policy are actioned by complaints, the District takes action on unsightly properties when complaints are received.

Backup Power for Water / Sewer System: In the 2021 Five Year Financial Plan is the approval for UV System Backup Power. The District will be installing backup power at the UV Intake, Booster Station and Reservoir to provide backup during a power outage. This is for gravity pressure only in case of a power outage, so safe drinking water can continue to be supplied and to provide limited flow for fire protection. During Freshet the gravity system is not used based on Interior Health regulations. The District has a generator system identified in the 5 year plan for the operation of wells.

The Public is invited to and welcome to provide input during the Budget process each year. This year the public was invited to join by Zoom. Only three public attended. The public is also welcome to attend Council meetings the first and third Tuesday of the month. During the pandemic the public can send in their comments or concerns and not have to leave the house. Check us out.

Communication is important and we take pride in communicating to the public on what our plans are wherever possible.