I Want To

We are hearing you; responding to feedback from the Community Survey

You said: “Apply money equally to all neighborhoods within the District. It is grossly obvious when comparing Raft River trailer court to Wyndhaven or Dutch Lake sub. The low tax areas have been left to rot and it’s shameful of the decision makers. Council is creating ghettos in Clearwater.”

Our response: The District of Clearwater became a municipality in December 2007. Since that time the District adopted an Official Community Plan, Zoning Bylaw and a Subdivision and Servicing Bylaw. These are bylaws that direct planning and development.  The Official Community Plan was developed with the guidance of a local committee of Clearwater citizens and three (3) years of public consultation, further the Zoning Bylaw was also completed with significant input from the community and a Public Hearing process. 

It is important to understand that a “trailer court” is private property and maintained by the owners and renters of that property. Under the Community Charter there is a required legal process to follow in regards to unsightly properties once there has been a formal written complaint filed.  Please reference the Bylaw Investigation and Enforcement Policy for more information. 

If there is an issue you wish to report with regards to unsightly property(ies), please feel free to contact Bylaw Enforcement by completing  a Bylaw Complaint Form.