2021-04-04 Thank you to everyone that participated in our survey. It is now closed and we received 335 responses total. We would like to take this opportunity to give feedback to some of the comments we have received. Check back daily for further updates.
You said: “Since the fire at the community centre, can more be done to have an indoor recreation space available?”
Our response: The District of Clearwater has a partnership with School District 73 to utilize space for recreation programming at Clearwater Secondary School and Raft River Elementary School. Since COVID-19 these spaces have not been available.
The District normally runs the majority of our recreation programming from the Dutch Lake Community Centre (DLCC) gym but since the initial COVID-19 Health Orders shutdown the “in person” recreation programming the municipality has been providing community recreation and healthy living programs through live streaming on Facebook.
We have been fortunate to have obtained a grant through United Way to help pay for this delivery method. We then experienced the fire at the DLCC shutting down the gym for physical distanced programming.
We have worked to continue to offer programming where most other municipalities whom offer recreation programming (even larger centers) have shut recreation programming down completely and we continue to be innovative in keeping programming running.
The most recent PHO have shut down all in person programming, however we will continue to offer live streaming. We are also recruiting new instructors and will keep you posted as changes occur and new programming is allowed. Check us out at here for CRHL program updates.
Thank you for your comment, we hope this answers your question.