I Want To

Chief Administrative Officer

Byron Johnson
Chief Administrative Officer

The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) is appointed by District of Clearwater Council and is accountable to Council for the policies and programs delivered by the District of Clearwater. As the most senior official in the District’s administrative structure, the CAO provides guidance and advice to Council and provides direction to all District’s departments.  Administration provides support for Council, Committees of Council and department operations. By providing guidance to the District’s departments,  Administration ensures a coordinated and balanced implementation of Council policy. This division of local government is responsible for ensuring:

  • The most cost-effective delivery of services to the public
  • Corporate fiscal responsibility and accountability
  • The provision of efficient, timely and friendly customer service
  • Responsive action to community needs

The communications function of Administration works collaboratively across the organization to ensure that information is thorough, factual and timely. Communications activities include disseminating timely and accurate information, boosting awareness and understanding of local government processes and priorities, developing website content, communicating through social media, coordinating advertising and supporting a consistent identity for communications.

Other responsibilities of the CAO are:

  1. Economic Development
  2. Planning and Development
  3. Contract Management
  4. Public Relations and communications
  5. Legal compliance, land sale and acquisition
  6. Ensuring the business of Council and staff is completed in accordance with all statutes, bylaws, agreements (all regulatory reporting requirements are met)


PO Box 157
209 Dutch Lake Road
Clearwater, BC V0E 1N0
Telephone: 250-674-2257
Fax: 250-674-2173