I Want To

Community Recreation

With our community situated amidst a pristine mountainous and forested region, recreation lies very near and dear to our hearts. We offer a wide range of leisure activities, recreational opportunities, programming and age-friendly services to promote healthy lifestyles and thus allow residents to both grow and flourish within our community.

Two Ways to Register

Online: Online Registration System and Program Information

On our online registration site you will find detailed information about all the programs currently being offered, costs, dates, times, and how to get set up to register.

In person: 209 Dutch Lake Road

Come visit us in person at the District of Clearwater front desk and our administrative staff will gladly help get you set up. Here you can also purchase punch cards for RCE programs and drop-in sports.

For any questions, please contact the Recreation, Culture and Events Coordinator (contact info below)

Check out this month’s Recreation, Culture and Events calendar



Liane Culp
Recreation, Culture and Events Coordinator
(250) 674-8881 (call or text)

Kawiria Creed
Recreation, Culture and Events Assistant