The District of Clearwater provides water and sewer services to residents which are billed on a quarterly basis.
- Payment is due as shown on your bill.
- You can pay online through your bank, at the office by debit, cash or cheque or mail your remittance and cheque.
- A 10% penalty will be added to current charges if unpaid by the due date listed.
- Payments are applied to arrears owing, penalties owing, then to current charges owing.
- Please allow sufficient time for mailed remittances to reach the District office by the due date. Postmarks are not accepted as proof of payment date.
- Any outstanding balances at year-end are rolled onto the property owner’s property tax account.
- If you are renting your property, please contact the District’s office to register the renter if they are directly responsible to pay the utilities.
- The property owner is responsible for all charges until the account is closed.
Please provide us with your phone number so you can be reached in case of disruptions.