2022-09-06 PRESS RELEASE
CLEARWATER, BC – The District of Clearwater is very pleased to announce that BC Healthy Communities Society has award a Healthy Public Policy grant in the amount of $15,000 to the District of Clearwater. The BC Healthy Communities Society (BCHCS) oversees the Plan H Healthy Communities Fund.
The grant will fund the comprehensive review of the existing and development of a new and updated framework for wellness and recreation programming within the District. This is in preparation for the launch of the District’s Recreation, Culture, and Events department. This project also aims to decrease isolation and increase inclusion, affordability and accessibility of programming for all of Clearwater.
Mayor Merlin Blackwell noted, “Clearwater residents have always had a vision of an active, social healthy community. Having additional plans and resources will help direct that vision and let us take advantage of future grant opportunities.”
The Healthy Communities approach (https://planh.ca/take-action/healthy-society/page/healthy-public-policy) is a great compliment for what we hope to accomplish in Clearwater as it recognizes that built, environmental, social and economic environments play a large role in determining health and well-being. These are frequently outside of personal control and affect the choices that everyone, as individuals, can make.
“We expect that development of this new guiding document will provide us with multiple opportunities for community engagement” added Wylie Bystedt, District EDO. “Not only will we be talking to our local partners such as Interior Health and Yellowhead Community Services, but we will be looking for community champions that can share their viewpoints and priorities with us.”
Active living plays a vital role in the health and well-being of all community members and the District of Clearwater is committed to working collaboratively with our community partners to improve the health of our residents.
Contact: John Thomas, Chief Administrative Officer – District of Clearwater
admin@docbc.ca or 250-674-225